Empower Your

Explore the intersection of Buddhism and Unitarian Universalism.

A buddha statue with flowers in the background.
A painting of two people walking in the woods

Transform Your Spiritual Journey

Transform Your Spiritual Journey

Finding a path through your faith journey is never easy. But finding resources, especially inner ones, is the key. Tap into your Emergent BUUddha to find the peace and empowerment needed in these turbulent times.

Navigating Challenging Times

Navigating Challenging Times

Where is your sanctuary? Who is your source of support? Find a congregation or sangha near you.

A painting of a deck with wine glasses and a tree.
A statue of buddha with flowers around it.

Transformative Resources

Transformative Resources

Emergent BUUddha offers a curated collection of Art, Audio, Videos, and Books – each carefully chosen to inspire and uplift. These resources are designed to accompany individuals on their faith journey, offering comfort and empowerment.

Explore More

Explore More

Embrace the transformative power of faith with Emergent BUUddha. Find out more about Emergent BUUddha and how it guides individuals through challenges and inspires them with words of faith.